Bsst! Brisk, sweet bee! Maybe the right card for the girlfriend. The industrious bee after passing the test. And of course for the breeder. The bee stands for a nature worth protecting and is, standing or hanging, well suited as decoration in every room.
The LaserCut motif is lasered into the card so that it is held in the card by thin bars. These are strong enough that the motif is held in the card during transport, but thin enough that the bars can be easily cut through to remove the handicraft parts from the card. A three-dimensional object is formed by insertion and / or folding. If you paint and describe the components before sending them, your greeting will be even more unique.
With our Bee-wooden-postcard you not only send a greeting, but also a small gift and a joy of handicraft. The bee is also very popular for customer mailings and can be individually printed on both sides.
Product safety information
Manufacturer information:
formes Berlin GbR
Oranienstr. 183
Berlin, Deutschland, 10999
Manufacturers: |
formes Berlin GbR
4260391850219 |
Category: |
Wooden Postcards
Shipping weight: |
0,01 kg
Content: |
1,00 pieces
( Length × Width × Height ):
14,80 × 10,50 × 0,05 cm |
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